Shocking Treatment of Reiner Fuellmich at the Rosdorf Jail


ER Editor: Thanks to Mike Yeadon’s Telegram channel (May 8) for alerting us to this piece on Reiner Fuellmich. Here is Yeadon’s intro:

Dr Fuellmich is alleged to have committed a “white collar crime”, though he hasn’t received any proceeds of the alleged crime. Paradoxically, it’s in the hands of his accusers. Regardless of the facts of this matter, does the process (which is part of the punishment) and steps taken feel appropriate & proportionate? They don’t, do they. He’s a POLITICAL PRISONER. Best wishes, Mike

Here is Elsa’s latest update on Fuellmich’s trial. See —


There is a 6-minute video at the end of this piece which translates via English subtitles what Fuellmich’s lawyer Katja Woermer has to say by way of summary. Here it is:


Shocking Treatment of Reiner Füllmich at the Rosdorf Jail

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This Tuesday morning Reiner Füllmich’s Telegram channel put out the news in French and with an interview with his lawyer Katja Wörmer in German about the shocking treatment Reiner Füllmich received Friday afternoon after being returned to the jail from the court hearing.

His jail cell was searched, and personal items were confiscated. He was stripped naked and searched from head to toe and then put into an isolation detention cell without any explanation or justification. He spent the entire weekend, which was his birthday, until today in isolation.

He was denied contact with his lawyers which clearly is against German law. He was also denied contact with his wife. Being in isolation he didn’t know that many people from various countries had gathered around the jail for his birthday. This greatly perturbed Reiner but he has once again stabilized mentally and emotionally according to Katja Wörmer. He had to submit a written request to the management of the jail to look into the situation, but nobody wanted to take responsibility and take charge.

His two lawyers Katja Wörmer and Christof Miseré are shocked by these events, questioning the condition of the German constitutional state. Today, May 7th the court hearings will proceed and we should know more later today.

It seems evident, the French text below says, that certain influential people in the judiciary system want to intimidate Reiner and keep him imprisoned illegally.

French Text on Telegram (ER: machine-translated into English):


Katja Wörmer reports on the current scandalous proceedings at Rosdorf prison against Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: Isolation and a ban on contact with his lawyers following a defamatory X complaint!

We are shocked! Those involved will be held to account!

Intimidation of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich in Rosdorf prison for 3 days 🚨

Just after the 13th day of trial at the Göttingen court, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich was forced to strip naked and was searched from head to toe along with his personal belongings without any justification and without the knowledge of his lawyers.

Reiner was transferred last Friday to another detention unit, totally isolated in a separate cell for the past three days and again on his birthday, without any contact with anyone.

Therefore, the voice that answered from inside the prison yard at the rally in honor of Reiner Fuellmich’s 66th birthday must have been that of another inmate. Unfortunately, Reiner himself was not able to hear anything from the several hundred people who had turned out in his honor.

He was deprived of his right to call his wife or his lawyers Katja Wörmer and Christof Miseré, who are shocked by the disregard of all the protocols and rights of a preventive prisoner.

All this seriously disturbed Reiner Fuellmich over the weekend, but according to Katja Wörmer, he has finally regained a certain stability.

Today, Tuesday May 7, is the 14th day of the trial in Göttingen. We’ll know more in a few hours!

It seems clear that some influential people in the justice system are trying to intimidate Reiner Fuellmich and keep him in prison illegally.


Me Katja Wörmer parle de la procédure scandaleuse actuelle de la prison de Rosdorf contre le Dr Reiner Fuellmich : Isolement et interdiction de contact avec ses avocats suite à une plainte diffamatoire sur X !

Nous sommes choqués ! Les personnes impliquées vont avoir des comptes à rendre !

Opération d’intimidation à la prison de Rosdorf depuis 3 jours sur le Dr Reiner Fuellmich 🚨

Juste après la 13ème journée de procès au tribunal de Göttingen, le Dr Reiner Fuellmich a été forcé de se mettre à nu et a été fouillé de la tête aux pieds ainsi que ses effets personnels sans aucune justification et à l’insu de ses avocats.

Reiner a été transféré vendredi dernier dans une autre unité de détention totalement isolé dans une cellule séparée au cours des trois derniers jours et de même le jour de son anniversaire, sans aucun contact avec qui que ce soit.

Par conséquent, la voix qui avait répondu depuis l’intérieur de la cour de la prison lors du rassemblement en honneur du 66e anniversaire de Reiner Fuellmich devait être celle d’un autre détenu. Reiner lui-même n’a malheureusement rien pu entendre de ce rassemblement avec plusieurs centaines de personnes qui étaient venues en son honneur.

Il a été privé de son droit d’appeler sa femme ou ses avocats Katja Wörmer et Christof Miseré qui sont choqués par le non-respect de tous les protocoles et droits d’un prisonnier préventif.

Tout ça a perturbé gravement Reiner Fuellmich pendant le week-end, mais selon Katja Wörmer, il a finalement retrouvé une certaine stabilité.

Aujourd’hui, mardi le 7 mai, aura lieu la 14ème journée de procès à Göttingen. Nous en saurons plus dans quelques heures !

Il semble évident que certaines personnes influentes du système judiciaire tentent d’intimider Reiner Fuellmich et de le maintenir illégalement en prison.

German Interview with his lawyer Katja Wörmer:

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Featured image source, video screenshot:,fuellmich110.html



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2 Comments on Shocking Treatment of Reiner Fuellmich at the Rosdorf Jail

  1. The “German constitutional state” is a long-standing farce. They imprison “holocaust deniers” in their 90s. They deny proper food and medication to imprisoned diabetic holocaust deniers, then amputating their limbs. They imprison lawyers for defending holocaust deniers because it is illegal in Germany to present evidence against the “holocaust” or to demand evidence of it. What “constitutional state” are they thinking of? Or haven’t they noticed till now?

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